You should pick a subject for your blog, is something you usually find included in advice about how to start a blog. I've always resisted having a subject for this blog because I want to talk here about all the varied things that I find interesting. I think not having a specific subject tends to limit my readership to a smaller group of people. I always say that I'm blogging because I like blogging, not to build a big readership but I have to admit I do look at readership statistics.
For the next several months a big focus of this blog will be all the life changes that we are making. As you know Duke and I each retired last year. Our plan is to sell the house, move into temporary quarters (probably in the Reno area), and then spend the next several months traveling around looking for a place to settle down for the next phase of our life. I'm very excited about the adventure and will be sharing a lot about it here.
We won't be selling the house until early summer but I'm starting to get ready now. The trim around many of the windows needs replacing and we've hired a guy to do that. I've been selling some of my books on and donating the ones that don't sell. I've also been selling some odds and ends on Craigslist. The goal is to trim down our possessions and get organized.
Even though I will continue to talk about lots of different things on this blog, a reoccurring theme for the next several months will be downsizing, searching for a new place to live and finally moving and settling in. Of course I'll be sure to keep you up to date on all the adventures along the way.
Thanks for the comment. I still live vicariously through blogs I enjoy so I know what you mean. Your suggestion of before and after pictures is a great one. I need to add more pictures to this Blog and you have inspired me!
Posted by: Marion | March 14, 2007 at 06:40 PM
hi Marion, I found your blog by googling "Change Acceptance Process". That took me to your old Sun blog, and that took me here. I love your content! I can't wait to follow your adventures of downsizing and getting organized. I will also be living vicariously because I would love to do the same thing as you. But I'm married to a packrat - what to do?! :) Please post before-and-after pictures if you can. I'm a sucker for those.
Posted by: melanie gao | March 13, 2007 at 02:36 AM