I love being a part of democracy at work. I just got back from the 2012 Nevada Republican caucus. It was so much fun!
I've been to a caucus and blogged about it twice before. My blog about the 2008 caucus is here and about the 2010 caucus is here. Of the caucuses I've been to this seemed the most organized and the best attended. There were a lot of people there. The caucus was held at our local middle school.
Registration didn't take long and then they sent us off to the classroom where our precinct was meeting. In my precinct meeting there were 23 people. We met in an American history classroom. I loved the quotations on the cabinet behind me.
First we elected a chair person and a secretary. My new neighbor was elected precinct chair person. She was efficient and did a great job. She is the one standing on the left.
The second order of business was allowing volunteers to speak for each candidate. My neighbor spoke for Romney and was quite convincing. She talked about watching Romney when she lived in Utah and how impressed she was with how he managed the Olympics. Someone else suggested we read Romney's plan for America.
Another woman spoke for Rick Santorum. No one volunteered to speak for Gingrich and when no one volunteered to speak for Ron Paul I said I would.
I am a life long Republican. I believe in small government. I am a fiscal conservative and I believe that usually free enterprise can do things better than government. But I do believe that government has a role to play. I have become convinced that everyone should have health insurance and that Obama care is a step in the right direction. I am pro choice and pro gay marriage.
When I spoke for Ron Paul I was thinking about foreign policy. I still have not forgiven the Republicans and George Bush for capriciously taking us to war in Iraq and for running up our national debt. Because of George Bush I voted for a democrat for the first time in my life four years ago.
The president can't change fiscal policy without the congress but he can take us to war. After listening to the Republican debates I am afraid that Romney would invade Iran to prevent them from becoming a nuclear country. So I spoke for Ron Paul because even though he is a bit of a wing nut I am confident that he wouldn't start another war.
So anyway, the next step in our precinct caucus was for people to volunteer to be delegates to the county convention. I volunteered.
Next we voted and the chairperson and I counted the votes.The results were
Romney 14
Santorum 4
Gingrich 3
Paul 2
The whole experience was fun! I got to meet neighbors and as I said enjoy democracy at work. I even got to see Reno's mayor Bob Cashell.
If you would like to see all my pictures from the caucus you can see them on Flickr here.
I usually avoid talking about politics but you can see all my politics blog posts by clicking on politics in the category list to the right.
Thanks for your kind comments. I don't think you can go wrong taking the H&R Block tax class, even if you never prepare taxes.
Posted by: Marion | March 08, 2013 at 11:47 AM
I stumbled on your blog while looking for information about H&R Block's Tax Preparation courses. I found myself reading your posts forward from the one about your H&R experiences, which is what brought me to your post about the 2012 caucus. First, I wanted to commend your individuality and courage for identifying with a group, but not letting that group BE your identity. Too many people, on both or ALL sides of politics and life, would or could never firmly make and declare their own decisions, though those decisions conflict with the group. Second, I am thankful for your insight into the H&R Block course. I just hope I can find out if the course is accepted by anyone other than H&R and University of Phoenix. If not, I just might be better off taking a more general course, but then again, maybe not. It's only late February, I've got a month or two to figure it out!
Thank you again,
Alone, Not Single Momma
Posted by: Alone Not Single | February 23, 2013 at 01:52 PM
Always imagined these meetings in a different way. Thanks for lifting the veil of secrecy.
Posted by: Marielaina Perrone DDS | June 11, 2012 at 07:43 PM