As Duke and I were planning our road trip and discussing places to go I suggested St Louis because I had never been there. So yesterday we drove from Springfield, Illinois to St Louis, Missouri. The first sign of St Louis was the Arch in the distance. It is enormous.
Wednesday our first stop in St Louis was the Budweiser Brewery. We took a free tour and got to see Clydesdales and their stable. The old brewery buildings are red brick and ornate. Of course the beer tasting was fun too!
Genealogy is a long time hobby of mine. I'm working on an article about George Robinson an ancestor of mine who was in Massachusetts in the 1600's. Before I left Reno I identified some books that I need to review that I can't get in Reno. All of them were available at the St Louis Library so Wednesday afternoon we went out to their main library. I went to the back of the library, up some steps, around a corner and up some more steps. And then I was in heaven. Oh, what a genealogy section they have! And I got the information I needed. I wish St. Louis was closer to Reno.
This morning, Thursday, we walked to the Arch and went to the top. The little capsule we rode in to the top was tiny. On the way up there were 5 of us jammed together for the four minute ride.
The top was small too and so were the Windows. But oh what a view! The museum at the base is closed because there is a big reconstruction project going on. After coming down from the viewing platform we watched a movie about the construction of the arch. What a accomplishment!
Next we took an hour long boat ride on the Mississippi. It is a beautiful day and we learned about all the bridges and traffic on the river.
Now we are on the way to Memphis to visit my sister.
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